The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14, are a bike within the Ninja recreation bicycle series from Japanese producer Kawasaki that has been their particular most effective sport bike since 2007.
The bike was in season 10 of Fifth equipment on October 30, 2006.
Softcover - 650 pages - Kawasaki Ninja ZX-7 ZX-7R ZX-7RR 1991 - 1998 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following Models: Ninja ZX-7 J1 J2 (U.S. Canada and U.K.) (1991-1992) Ninja ZX-7R K1 K2 (U.S. Canada and U.K.) (1991-1992) Ninja ZX-7 L1 L2 L3 (U.S. Canada and U.K.) (1993-1995) Ninja ZX-7R M1 M2 (U.S. Canada and U.K.) (1993-1994) Ninja ZX-7RR N1 (U.S. Canada and U.K.) (1996) Ninja ZX-7R P1 P2 P3 (U.S. Canada U.K. and Europe) (1996-1998)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Notes cautions and warning / Safety first / Washing the bike/ Torque specifications / Special tips / Fasteners / Lubricants / Threadlocking compound / Expendable supplies / Serial numbers / Warning and in
Softcover - 360 pages - Kawasaki KZ ZX ZN 1000 1100cc Fours 1981 - 2002 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual covers the following models:U.S. and Canada Models KZ1000 J1 J2 (1981-1982) KZ1000 K1 K2 LTD (1981-1982) KZ1000 M1 M2 CSR (1981-1982) KZ1000 R1 R2 Replica (1982-1983) KZ1100 A1 A2 A3 Standard (1981-1983) KZ1100 B1 B2 GP (1981-1982) KZ1100 D1 D2 Spectre (1982-1983) KZ1100 L1 LTD Shaft Drive (1983) ZX1100 A1 A2 (1983-1984) ZN1100 B1 B2 (1984-1985) Z10000 Police Model P1-P21 (1982-2002)Other than U.S. and Canada Models Z1000 J1 J2 (1981-1982) Z1000 K1 K2 (1981-1982) Z1100 A1 A2 (1981-1982) Z1100 B1 B2 (1981-1982) Z1000 J3 (1983) Z1000 R2 (1983) Z1100 D2 (1983) Z1100 A1 A2 (1983-1984) Z1100 A3 (1985)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Service hints / Safety first / Expendable supplies / Shop tools / Emergency tool kit / Troubleshooting and tune-up equipment / Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGStarting difficulties / Poor performance / Clutch and transmission / Drive train / Chassis / Brakes / Electrical system / Charging system / Lighting / Fuses / Wiring / Specifications LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE AND TUNE-UPModel identification / Scheduled m
Softcover - 624 pages - Kawasaki Ninja ZX6 ZX600 ZZ-R 600 1990 - 2004 Service Repair Manual Covers the following models: ZX600 D (U.S. and Canada) (1990-1993) ZX600 E (U.S. and Canada) (1993-2004) ZZ-R600 D (U.K) (1990-1993) ZZ-R600 E (U.K.) (1993-2003)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Notes cautions and warnings / Safety first / Service hints / Torque specifications / Special tips / Fasteners / Lubricants / Threadlocking compound / Expendable supplies / Warning and information labels / Basic hand tools / Precision measuring tools / Special tools / Fabricating tools / Mechanic #39;s tips / Ball bearing replacement / Seals / Riding safety / Storage / Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGOperating requirements / Troubleshooting instruments / Starting the engine / Starting difficulties / Engine starting system / Charging system / Ignition system / Fuel system / Engine overheating / Engine / Engine noises / Cylinder leakage test / Clutch / Transmission / Drive train noise / Handling / Frame noise / Brakes LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE AND TUNE-UPPre-ride c
Softcover - 288 pages - Kawasaki Ninja ZX7 ZX750 ZXR750 1989 - 1996 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual covers the following models:UK Models: ZX750H (ZXR750) 748cc 1989 - 1990 ZX750J (ZXR750) 749cc 1991 - 1992 ZX750L (ZXR750) 749cc 1993 - 1996 ZX750K (ZXR750R) 749cc 1991 - 1992 ZX750M (ZXR750) 749cc 1993 - 1994USA Models: ZX750H (Ninja ZX-7) 748cc 1989 - 1990 ZX750J (Ninja ZX-7) 749cc 1991 - 1992 ZX750L (Ninja ZX-7) 749cc 1993 - 1995 ZX750K (Ninja ZX-7R) 749cc 1991 - 1992 ZX750M (Ninja ZX-7R) 749cc 1993 - 1994Note: the Kawasaki ZX750F (Ninja 750R or GPX750 R) is covered in Haynes Manual HM1780Contents: Kawasaki Zx750 Maintenance Introduction- Buying Parts- Engine Oil Level- Brake Fluid Levels- Tyres- Routine Maintenance
Softcover - 260 pages - Kawasaki Z400 ZR400 ZX400 Z500 KZ500 KZ550 GPz550 ZX550 1979 - 1991 1979 - 1991 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models:UK Models: Z400J 399cc 1980 - 1983 ZR400 (Z400F) 399cc 1983 - 1985 ZX400 (Z400FII) 399cc 1984 - 1987 Z500B 497cc 1979 - 1980 Z550A 553cc 1980 - 1983 ZR550 (Z550F) 553cc 1982 - 1987 Z550C (LTD) 553cc 1980 - 1983 Z550D (GPz550) 553cc 1981 - 1982 Z550H (GPz550) 553cc 1982 - 1983 ZX550 (GPz550) 553cc 1983 - 1991 Z550G (GT550) 553cc 1983 - 1991USA Models: KZ550A 553cc 1980 - 1983 KZ550C (LTD) 553cc 1980 - 1983 KZ550D (GPz550) 553cc 1981 KZ550H (GPz550) 553cc 1982 - 1983 ZX550 (GPz550) 553cc 1984 - 1985 KZ550F (Spectre/LTD) 553cc 1983 - 1984 KZ550M (LTD) 553cc 1983Contents: Introduction To The Kawasaki 400 500 And 550 Fours Maintenance Engine Clutch And Transmission Fuel System And Lubrication Ignition System Frame And Forks Wheels Brakes And Tyres Electri
Softcover - 352 pages - Kawasaki KZ500 KZ550 ZX550 1979 - 1985 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual covers the following Models: Kawasaki KZ500-B1 1979-1981 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ500-B4 1982-1983 (except US Canada) Kawasaki KZ550-A1 A2 1980-1981 (US Canada) Kawasaki KZ550-A3 1982-1983 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-B2 1979-1981 (Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-B2 1981 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-C1 1980 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-C2 1981 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-C3 1982-1983 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-D1 1981 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-F1 1982-1983 (US Canada) Kawasaki KZ550-H1 1982-1983 (US Canada Europe) Kawasaki KZ550-M1 1982-1983 (US Canada) Kawasaki ZX550-A1 A2 1984-1985 (US Canada Europe)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Service hints / Safet
Hardcover - 304 pages - Kawasaki Ninja ZX636 ZX-6R ZX600 ZX-6RR 2003 - 2006 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models:NINJA ZX-6R Ninja ZX636B1 2003 Ninja ZX636B2 2004 Ninja ZX636C1 2005 Ninja ZX636C6 2006NINJA ZX-6RR Ninja ZX600K1 2003 Ninja ZX600M1 2004 Ninja ZX600N1 2005 Ninja ZX600N6 2006Contents: Living With Your KAWASAKI NINJA ZX-6R and ZX-6RR Introduction- Kawasaki: The Green Machines- About This Manual- Safety First!- Identification Numbers- Buying Parts Pre-Ride Checks- Coolant Level- Engine Oil Level- Brake Fluid Levels- Suspension Steering And Drive Checks- Legal And Safety Checks- Tyres Maintenance- Routine Maintenance And Servicing- Specifications- Lubricants And Fluids- Maintenance Schedule- Component Locations- Maintenance Procedures Repairs And Overhaul- Engine Transmission And Associated Systems- Engine Clutch And Transm
Hardcover - 248 pages - Kawasaki ZX900 1000 1100 Liquid-cooled Fours 1983 - 1997 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual covers the following models:UK Models: ZX900A (GPZ900R) 908cc 1984 - 1996 ZX1000A (GPZ1000RX) 997cc 1985 - 1989 ZX1000B (ZX-10) 997cc 1987 - 1991 ZX1100C (ZZ-R1100) 1052cc 1990 - 1992 ZX1100D (ZZ-R1100) 1052cc 1992 - 1997USA Models: ZX900A (Ninja) 908cc 1983 - 1986 ZX1000A (Ninja 1000R) 997cc 1985 - 1987 ZX1000B (Ninja ZX-10) 997cc 1988 - 1990 ZX1100C (Ninja ZX-11C) 1052cc 1990 - 1993 ZX1100D (Ninja ZX-11D) 1052cc 1993 - 1997Contents: Maintenance Engine Clutch And Transmission Fuel System And Lubrication Ignition System Frame And Forks Wheels Brakes And Tyres Electrical System Wiring Diagrams
Softcover - 610 pages - Kawasaki Ninja ZX900 ZX1000 ZX1100 1984 - 2001 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following Models: Ninja ZX900 A1-A3 (1984-1986) Ninja ZX1000 A1-A2 (1986-1987) Ninja ZX1000 (ZX-10) B1-B3 (1988-1990) Ninja ZX1100 C1-C4 (1990-1993) Ninja ZX1100 (ZX-11) D1-D9 (1993-2001)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Notes cautions and warnings / Safety first / Service hints / Torque specifications / Fasteners / Lubricants / Parts replacement / Basic hand tools / Test equipment / Mechanic #39;s tools / Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGoperating requirements / Troubleshooting instruments / Starting the engine / Emergency troubleshooting / Engine st
Hardcover - 248 pages - Kawasaki ZX600 (ZZ-R600 Ninja ZX-6) 1990 - 2006 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models:UK Models: ZX600D (ZZ-R) 599cc 1990 - 1993 ZX600E (ZZ-R) 599cc 1993 - 2006USA Models: ZX600D (ZX-6) 599cc 1990 - 1993 ZX600E (Ninja ZX-6) 599cc 1993 - 2002 ZX600E (ZZ-R600) 599cc 2003 - 2004Note: this manual DOES NOT cover the U.S. market 2005-on ZX600J (ZZ-R600)Contents: Kawasaki ZX600 Ninja Maintenance Routine Maintenance And Servicing- Specifications- Recommended Lubricants And Fluids- Maintenance Schedule- Component Locations- Maintenance Procedures Kawasaki ZX600 Ninja Repairs And Overhaul Engine Transmission And Associated Systems- Engine Clutch And Transmission- Cooling System- Fuel And Exhaust Systems- Ignition System Chassis Components- Suspension And Steering- Final Drive- Brakes- Tyres- Fairing Bodywork And Frame Electrical System- Wiring Diagrams Reference- Dimensions And Weights- Tools And Workshop Tips- Sto
Softcover - 330 pages - Kawasaki ZX500 ZX600 Ninja 1985 - 1997 Clymer Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models: ZX500 (Europe) (1985-1990) Ninja ZX600A (1985-1987) Ninja ZX600C (1988-1997)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Notes cautions and warnings / Service hints / Safety first / Torque specifications / Fasteners / Lubricants / Parts replacement / Basic hand tools / Test equipment / Mechanic #39;s tips /Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGOperating requirements / Troubleshooting instruments / Emergency troubleshooting / Engine starting / Engine performance / Engine noises / Engine lubrication / Clutch /Transmission / Charging system / Starting system / Electrical problems / Ignition system /Excessive vibration / Carburetor troubleshooting / Front suspension and steering / Brake problems PERIODIC LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE AND TUNE-UPRoutine checks / Maintenance intervals / Tyres / B
Hardcover - 264 pages - Kawasaki ZX600 ZX750 Fours 1985 - 1997 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models:UK Models: ZX600A (GPZ600R) 592cc 1985 - 1990 ZX600C (GPX600R) 592cc 1988 - 1996 ZX750F (GPX750R) 748cc 1987 - 1991USA Models: ZX600A (Ninja 600R) 592cc 1985 - 1987 ZX600B (Ninja 600RX) 592cc 1987 ZX600C (Ninja 600R) 592cc 1988 - 1997 ZX750F (Ninja 750R) 748cc 1987 - 1990Contents: Kawasaki Ninja Maintenance Introduction- Buying Parts- Engine Oil Level- Brake Fluid Levels- Tyres- Routine Maintenance And Servicing- Specifications- Maintenance Schedule- Component Locations- Maintenance Procedures Repairs And Overhaul- Engine Transmission And Associated Systems- Engine Clutch And Transmission- Cooling System- Fuel And Exhaust Systems- Ignition System Chassis Components- Frame Suspension And Final Drive- Brakes- Wheels- Tyres- And Bodywork Electrical System- Wiring Diagrams
Softcover - 366 pages - Kawasaki KZ750 Z750 ZX750 1980 - 1985 Service Repair Manual Covers the following Models: KZ750E (1980-1985) KZ750H (1980-1985) KZ750L (1980-1985) KZ750LTD (1980-1985) KZ750R (1980-1985) Z750L (1980-1985) ZX750A (1980-1985) ZX750E (1980-1985)Contents: QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL INFORMATIONManual organization / Service hints / Safety first / Expendable supplies / Shop tools / Emergency tool kit / Troubleshooting and Tune-up equipment / Specifications TROUBLESHOOTINGStarting difficulties / Poor performance / Drive train / Chassis / Brakes / Electrical system / Charging system / Lighting / Fuses / Wiring LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE AND TUNE-UPMaintenance schedule / Battery / Engine oil and filter change / General lubrication / Throttle cable lubrication / Drive chain lubrication / Clutch adjustment / Drive chain / Front fork oil level check and fluid change / ear shock absor
Hardcover - 248 pages. - Kawasaki Ninja ZX-7R ZX-9R 1994 - 2004 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models: Kawasaki Ninja ZX7R (ZX750P) 1996 - 2003 Kawasaki Ninja ZX9R (ZX900B) 1994 - 1997 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-9R (ZX900C) 1998 - 1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-9R (ZX900E) 2000 - 2001 Kawasaki ZX-9R (ZX900F ) 2002 - 2004Contents: Living With Your KAWASAKI NINJA- Introduction- Identification numbers- Buying spare parts- Daily (pre-ride) checks- Engine/transmission oil level check- Brake fluid level checks- Suspension steering and final drive checks- Legal and safety checks- Tyre checks Maintenance- Routine maintenance and servicing- Specifications- Recommended lubricants and fluids- Maintenance schedule- Component locations- Maintenance procedures Repairs Overhaul- Engine transmission and associated systems- Engine clutch and transmission- Fuel and exhaust systems- Ignition system Chassis components- Steering- Su
Hardcover - 384 pages - Kawasaki ZX-10R 2004 - 2010 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual covers the following models: ZX1000C1F 2004 ZX1000C2F 2005 ZX1000D6F 2006 ZX1000D7F 2007 ZX1000E8F 2008 ZX1000E9F 2009 ZX1000FAF 2010Contents: Living With Your Kawasaki ZX-10R Introduction- About This Manual- Identification Numbers- Buying Spare Parts Daily (Pre-Ride) Checks- Engine/Transmission Oil Level Check- Brake Fluid Level Checks- Suspension Steering And Final Drive Checks- Legal And Safety Checks- Tyre Checks Maintenance- Routine Maintenance And Servicing- Specifications- Recommended Lubricants And Fluids- Maintenance Schedule- Component Locations- Maintenance Procedures Repairs And Overhaul- Engine Transmission And Associated Systems- Engine Clutch And Transmission- Cooling System- Fuel And Exhaust Systems- Ignition System- Chassis Components- Steering- Suspension- Final Drive- Brakes- Wheels- Tyres- Frame And Bodywork
Hardcover - 288 pages - Kawasaki ZX600 636 (ZX-6R) 1995 - 2002 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual Covers the following models:US models: Kawasaki ZX600F 1995-1997 Kawasaki ZX600G 1998-1999 Kawasaki ZX600H 1998 Kawasaki ZX600J 2000-2002UK and Europe models: Kawasaki ZX600F 1995-1997 Kawasaki ZX600G 1998-1999 Kawasaki ZX600H 1998 (except UK) Kawasaki ZX600J 2000-2001 Kawasaki ZX636A 2002Contents: Kawasaki Zx600 636 (Zx-6r) Maintenance Introduction- Engine/Transmission Oil Level Check- Brake Fluid Level Checks- Specifications- Recommended Lubricants And Fluids- Maintenance Schedule- Component Locations- Maintenance Procedures Repairs And OverhaulEngine Transmission And Associated Systems- Engine Clutch And Transmission- Fuel And Exhaust Systems- Ignition System- Fuel And Exhaust System- Ignition Systems Chassis Components- Frame And Suspension- Final Drive- Brakes- Tyres- Fairing And Bodywork Elec
The Kawasaki Ninja® 1000SX touring motorcycle combines superbike technology and sport-tourer capability with a 1,043cc engine, rider aid electronics, and 2-up relaxed riding position.
The Kawasaki Ninja® 500 sportbike makes a statement with a 451cc engine and iconic Ninja attitude. Sporty design pairs with legendary performance for a distinctly approachable ride.
Kawasaki celebrates the 40th anniversary of Ninja® motorcycles with the 2024 Ninja® ZX™-4RR 40th Anniversary Edition ABS, which features special color and graphics that pay homage to the legendary history behind one of the most iconic names in sportbike performance.
The Kawasaki Ninja® ZX™-6R motorcycle offers ultimate power and performance with a 636cc race-ready engine, advanced electronics, optimized chassis, and iconic Ninja® styling.
Kawasaki Ninja® 650 motorcycles boast modern sportbike styling with a 649cc engine and easy-to-ride performance with an upright riding position.
The 2024 Kawasaki Ninja® 500 sportbike features legendary Ninja® performance and style, with a 451cc parallel-twin engine at the core for potent yet approachable power.
Our lineup of performance-driven sportbikes sets the standard for everyday epic sport riding. Ninja® 500, Ninja® 650, and Ninja® 1100SX models offer spirited commuting through city streets, superb comfort for all-day riding, as well as thrilling performance for track days.
The 2024 Kawasaki Ninja® 650 motorcycle combines sharp Ninja® styling, next-level technology and a sporty 649cc engine for a bold riding experience.
The 2024 Kawasaki Ninja® 500 SE ABS sportbike features legendary Ninja® performance and special styling, with a 451cc parallel-twin engine for potent yet approachable power.
The 2024 Kawasaki Ninja® 7 Hybrid ABS motorcycle combines a 451cc engine with a compact electric motor for versatile power delivery and offers three selectable driving modes for a unique riding experience.